When you come to the city and see more often names in Russian than in English, ย you may bet something went wrong here. And when Vietnamesse people at local market talk to you in Russian, it is disaster. That’s Nha Trang, Russian destination in Vietnam…

Anyway, Nha Trang is famous for the best city beach in Vietnam. ย Well, probably not just after monsoon time ๐ The promenade is quite nice though… But if you are curious how the see looks like in monsoon time, just don’t be ๐ Really ๐

When you escape massive touristic attack, you will see many local people hanging on the streets, ย often with Ca Phe… Or dressmakers with simple sewing machines and barbers on the street… And of course motorbikes everywhere, that’s Vietnamesse way of life ๐

Kdyz dorazite do mesta, kde je vic napisu v rustine nez anglictine a pomalu i ve vietnamstine, ย muzete si byt jisti, ze se tu neco pokazilo. A kdyz prodavaci na mistnim trhu na vas mluvi rusky, to je uz konec! Tak to je Nha Trang, hlavni ruska destinace ve Vietnamu…

Nicmene Nha Trang je vyhlaseny pro svou nejlepsi mestskou plaz v celem Vietnamu. No nejspise ne ale na konci monzunu ๐ Promenada je celkem pekna… A pokud jste zvedavi, jak vypada more po monzunech, tak proste nebudte ๐ opravdu ๐
Kdyz se dostanete mimo turisticke centrum, tak vsude na ulicich uvidite posedavat mistni v Ca Phe (kavarna). Nebo svadleny (take jako muzi) s malymi sicimi stroji a holice v poulicnich kadernictvich… A samozrejme vsude motorky, to je proste zivot ve Vietnamu ๐