
Yogyakarta alias Jogja was our last stop in Indonesia. The city is called a cultural heart of Java, because everything is happening here… You can find anything you like, the lively centre, temples, many restaurants and markets. Finally, we found good food in Indonesia! 🙂 As good visitors we visited Sultan palace (I must agree that it was not really worthy) and water temple, which was nice though… The best part of the city are the small streets you can wonder around and never be sure where you get out or get to someone’s backyard 🙂

Panorama of Jogja

One day we rented a motorbike for the last time. And as Murphy’s law always works, it was sure something had to happen… We went to visit Kalibiru outdoor centre at the hills west from Jogja. The road up was really really steep so we fell from the scooter at the steepest point. Luckily the bike did not fall on us 🙂 The views then at the hill were nice, but being back in our hotel in swimming pool was even better 🙂 Just the next day we found out we had flat tire on motorbike… It was really sign that we should finish our ride and just relax 😀

View from Kalibiru

Yogyakarta alias Jogja byla nasi posledni zastavkou v Indonesii. Jedna se o kulturni centrum cele Javy, jelikoz tu najdete od rusne tridy s obchody, po chramy, poulicni umeni a restaurace. Konecne jsme si dali dobre jidlo v Indonesii! Jako spravni turiste jsme navstivili Sultanuv palac (musim tentokrat uznat, ze jsme ani nemuseli :-D) a vodni chram, ktery byl naopak moc hezky. Nejlepsi je ale prochazet mistnimi ulickami, kdy nevite, kde vylezete a jestli uz nejste u nekoho na dvorku 🙂

Water temple

Jeden den jsme si pujcili skutr naposled. A samozrejme Murphyho zakony funguji, takze bylo jasne, ze se neco musi stat… Vydali jsme se do kopcu Kalibiru outdooroveho centra na zapad od Jogjy. Cesta nahoru byla velmi velmi strma, tak v tom vejprudsim miste se nas skutr preklopil, ale nastesti ne nas 🙂 Vyhledy z vrsku byly pekne, ale vykoupat se v bazenu zpatky v nasem hotelu jeste lepsi 🙂 Druhy den jsme zjistili, ze zadni kolo skutru je pichle, tak bylo nacase dojezdit a jen relaxovat 🙂

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