Kuala Lumpur

Another country and another capital city… Although each capital is different, it is also the same. Big, noisy, busy, full of people and traffic. Kuala Lumpur looks like mixture of Bangkok with its lively streets and Singapore in modern architecture. And moreover KL was special because our friend Ludek with his son Adam joined us there to travel with us for 10 days in Malaysia 🙂

Petronas towers

Even the city is huge, you can find few things possible to see in one or two days and be happy about it. The highlight is definitely the Petronas towers, the highest two same buildings in the world, and the central park around. We also enjoyed walk in the China town and free bus rides around the city. Batu caves are the must see attraction but not really worthy. Although the 275 stairs up the cave were fun, mainly looking at others how they deal with it in such heat 😉

KLCC park

Dalsi zeme a dalsi hlavni mesto. Prestoze je kazde jine, jsou vsechna stejna. Velka, hlucne, uspechana, plna lidi a hodne dopravy. Kuala Lumpur vypada jako mix Bangkoku diky sve zivosti a stylu a Singapuru v moderni architekture. KL se nakonec stalo specialnim, jelikoz nas prijeli navstivit kamarad Ludek se synem Adamem, aby s nami cestovali 10 dnu po Malajsii 🙂

Batu caves and the stairs 😀

Prestoze je KL obri mesto, ty hlavni atrakce stihnete projit za den az dva. Nejznamejsi dominantou jsou Petronas veze, ktere jsou nejvyssi na svete jako dvojice budov. Pak se nam libilo Cinske mesto a jizda bezplatnym autobusem po meste… Ten ocenite prevazne ve chvili, kdy se spousti z nebe provazy deste 😉 Batu jeskyne patri k povinnym bodum prohlidky, ale zas takova pecka to neni… Zajimavejsi je tech 275 schodu, co musite vyjit do jeskyne… Hlavne pozorovani ostatnich, jak v tom horku lezou nahoru, je celkem zabava 😀

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