Kampot province

Kampot city (Krong Kampot) is a nice place situated along a river. It feels relaxed and calm, you even hear “tuk tuk” just few times a day 🙂 and observing sunset is sooo peaceful!

Sunset in Kampot

The best way to explore the area around is by motorbike… First day we visited Bokor national park in Elephant Mountains. The views from there to the seascape and islands, especially huge Vietnamesse Phú Quoc, are just brethtaking, literally. The atmosphere is then completed by unused buildings creating the ghost city. The highlight deserves Bokor palace – former casino, which amased even someone (not named), who did not appriciated Angkor Wat 😀 At least something overall 😉

View from Bokor casino palace

The second day we visited plantations for growing Kampot pepper, the most famous in the world. We even took a guided tour at La Plantation. So I now know that all peppers come from the same plant 🙂 Red one is fully ripe so green one is then not… Then white one is peeled of red one and black one is roasted green one… 🙂 How easy! 🙂 And to complete the information, the plant can provide peppers for 40 years, not bad though…;-) We finished the day by visiting Kep town by the sea. If there is something that you should visit Kep is definitely that there is nothing happening there… 😀

Kampot pepper La Plantation

Kampot je male mestecko umistene podel reky, klidne a vhodne pro relax. I “tuk tuk” to uslysite jen parkrat denne 🙂 a pozorovat zapad slunce na brehu reky je velmi uklidnujici 🙂

Kampot riverside with old bridge

Kampot provincie nabizi skvele moznosti na vylet, nejlepe na motorce… Prvni den jsme jeli do Bokor narodniho parku ve Slonich horach. Vyhledy z techto kopcu na more a ostrovy,  hlavne obrovsky vietnamsky Phú Quoc,  jsou dechberouci. A to doslova! Atmosfera mista je pak uzasne dokreslena opustenymi rozsahlymi stavbami, ktere vytvareji jakesi mesto duchu 🙂 Nejvic rozhodne zaujme Bokor palac,  drivejsi kasino, a to i takove (nebudu jmenovat), co neokouzlil Angkor Wat 😀 tak aspon neco 🙂

Kampot palace – former casino

Druhy den jsme se vydali podivat na plantaze Kampotskeho pepre,  nejvyhlasenejsiho na svete. Dokonce jsme sli na prohlidku v La Plantation.  Ted uz vim, ze vsechen pepr je ze stejne rostlinky 🙂 Cerveny je zraly, zeleny jeste tedy nezraly… Bily vznikne oloupanim cerveneho a cerny uprazenim zeleneho.. Jak jednoduche! 🙂 A jeste pro zajimavost, rostlina dokaze plodit 40 let, to neni vubec spatne 😉 Cestou zpatky jsme se jeste zastavili v Kepu,  primorskem mestecku,  kam se nejspise jezdi podivat na uplne nic 😀 Kep je na to idealni misto 🙂

One thought

  1. A co “Piper cubeba”? nebo-li jinak německy kubebe-pfeffer, i zde jako u “Flohsamen” není český název. Je tedy kubebe taky normální pepř? A kostelík mi trošku připomíná ten gotický ve Vroutku….

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