Ubud is a cultural city in Bali and although it is popular among tourists it has still its authenticity and spirit. I love the hindu architecture, and also those I will not name like it too 😀 We have visited Monkey forest, lotus garden, Ubud palace and many other wonderful places and local temples…

The best part waits then for you just behind the town when you start exploring the surroundings in rice fields and beautiful small villages 🙂 The Gunung Kawi, hindu thombs and sacre place, is very worthy to see, also due to nice views to the valley. Actually, the valleys here are very impressive, because they are very deep and narrow, so getting the other side of the valley is always great journey 🙂 Or watch the herons in Petulu village, for someone boring (not named :-D), but definitely place where you can see that many herons…

We spent also one chocolate day by visiting local chocolate factories and of course tasting local chocolate 🙂 And the tea with so many different flavours (ginger, ginsen, rosela, lemon grass, coconut, vanilla, etc…) and coffee as well. And finally Luwak coffee, the most expansive on the world. The production is special because the civets must first eat the coffee beans, then poop them out, which is collected and further processed… It should make the coffee much tasty and milder. Hehe 🙂

Ubud je kulturnim mistem Bali, a prestoze je to turisticky popularni misto, zachovava si svoji autenticnost a genius loci. Libi se mi hinduisticka architektura, i tem, ktere samozrejme nebudu jmenovat 😉 Navstivili jsme Opici les, lotosovou zahradu, hlavni palac a mnoho dalsich chramu a nadhernych mist ve meste…

Nejhezci veci ale uvidite, kdyz vyrazite za mesto na projizdku mezi ryzovymi policky a malymi vesnickami. Rozhodne stoji za to navstivit Gunung Kawi, hinduisticke hroby a posvatne misto, uz jen pro ty vyhledy do udoli. Udoli jsou tu prekrasna, velmi hluboka a uzka, a je celkem zabava se dostat z jedne strany na druhou 🙂 Anebo pozorovat volavky v Petulu vesnicce, pro nekoho asi nuda (nebudu jmenovat :-D) , ale tolik volavek najednou jinde neuvidite…

Stravili jsme take jeden cokoladovy den navstevou mistnich cokoladoven a samozrejme ochutnavkou 🙂 Ochutnali jsme take mistni caj s ruznymi prichutemi (zazvor, zensen, vanilka, citronova trava, ruze, pomeranc, kokos aj.) a take kavu. A hlavne Luwak, nejdrazsi kavu na svete 😉 Kavova zrna basti cibetky a ty je pak vykaknou, coz se sbira a pouziva na dalsi zpracovani… Hehe 🙂
A jaká byla cibetková káva? To jako drží cibetky v zajetí a používaj je na “přetrávení” kávových bobů? Nevím proč jsem si myslela, že je to nějaký pták co žije na plantáži… tak teď už vím, že je to něco jako lasička 😀
No proti normalni kave je jemnejsi, ale ze by si z toho clovek sedl na zadek 😀
Maj je v klecich, ale pousti je ven a ony prave basti ty kavovy zrnka z keru, co tam rostou… A pak je po case pry pousti na svobodu…tak snad jo 🙂