We finally had beautiful day without rain so our trip headed to Bratan, the volcanic area with three lakes on the north of Bali. The day was amazing! Full of wonderful views over Bali landscape, rice fields and mountains. And furthermore we visited another chocolate production, the Cau chocolate, had a great time with the owner and tasted very nice organic local chocolate. Finally we found a coconut on the way back, so very great day 🙂

Tak nakonec jsme se dockali slunecneho dne bez deste, a tak jsme se vydali do Bratanu na severu Bali, kde se nachazi nekolik sopek a tri jezera. Uzasny den! Plny nadhernych vyhledu do krajiny, na ryzova policka a hory 🙂 Navic jsme navstivili dalsi cokoladovnu, pokecali s majitelem a ochutnali vybornou mistni organickou cokoladu. Nakonec jsme na ceste zpatky nasli kokos, takze super uspesny den 😉