
Where is Amed? That is a good question… After our hardcore motorbike hike we arrived in Amed, small village located by the sea under Agung volcano, the highest one on Bali. There is not much to see in Amed but the landscape in the surroundings is amazing 🙂 Volcano views and rice terraces with the seacoast creates wonderful scenery. Just if it was not that raining… 😉

Rice fields with Mount Agung behind

By exploring the surroundings we visited Air Tarjun Jagasatru waterfall, which was not really easy to reach. But this is good, because there will be nobody, not even entrance fee 😀 Then Bali chocolate in Jasri, which is very small production. But the place by the sea with cute “hobbit” huts looks like just in the fairytales. And they have there pretty cool swing, such a fun to try 🙂

Swing in Bali chocolate

Kde je Amed? To je vcelku dobra otazka… Po nasem silenem sjezdu na skutru jsme dojeli do Amedu, male vesnicky na pobrezi more pod Agung, nejvyssi sopkou Bali. V Amedu toho k videni moc neni, ale krajina okolo je uzasna 🙂 Vyhledy na sopku, ryzova policka a pobrezi more vytvareji nadhernou scenerii. Jenom kdyby tak neprselo… 😉

Jemeluk Bay

Pri projizdce po okoli jsme navstivili Air Tarjun Jagasatru vodopad, ktery nebyl nijak lehce dostupny. Coz je vlastne dobre, protoze pak tam nikdo nebude, ani poplatek za vstup 😀 Pak jsme se zastavili v male vyrobne cokolady Bali chocolate v Jasri, umistene hned u more. Cokoladou vas asi neohromi, ale misto s “hobitimi” domecky je jako z pohadky 🙂 A maji tu super houpacku, docela sranda se zhoupnout 😉

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