About us



We have decided to travel but without plan. Without plan wasn´t our decision or goal, it just happened this way. We know just the first destination. It can sound scary or crazy or even silly, so this web is for those who are lost and do not know where to go and what to do, and of course for our friends and family, who believe we are not that crazy 🙂

Info about our journey will be added once a week (at least we hope so :-))

Vendy + Honza



Vendy is a professional architect and designer. You are welcome to check out her design and ideas at http://vandrs.com. She has also PhD in Applied and Landscape Ecology. Such synthesis is based on love for creativity and nature.

Honza is an innovative person with education in Economy and Financing. He is passioned about good and healthy food and life. He is also primal heal coach and ready to help people to find their healthy lifestyle.

11 thoughts

  1. Ne, nečtu, ale zajímá mně jak se máš s Vendulkou.A slaví v laosu Vánoce ?Jinak, už nám skončila škola, dneska jsme měli akademii.Akademie semi líbila, ukážu ti video aš budeš doma.Zítra jdu s maminkou koupit kapra.:-)

  2. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!! For Manu too 🙂 Enjoy Laos! If you want more information about Cambodia, feel free to write! All the best for you both!

  3. Šťastné a veselé Vánoce, hezký a cestujíci nový rok.
    PS : Pozdravuj domorodce.Co budeš mít k večeři s Vendulkou ?

  4. I vam vesele vanoce!
    vcera jsme byli v angkor wat cely den a vecer celkem unaveni, Vendulka mela moc dobrou curry polivku v kokosu a ja rozzblemstlou bramboracku v kokosu 🙂

  5. Ahoj Honzíku a Vendulko,
    my jsme měli k štědrovečerní večeři kapra se salátem.
    Co vy, psa, sklípkana nebo jen kobylky a cvrčky : ) ?

  6. Ahoj Martinku, my jsme meli krevety v kokosu 🙂 Na sklipkana jsme si zatim netroufli, ale Honzik uz po nem pokukuje 🙂

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