
After more than 3 months we entered another world… Singapore is sooo different from the rest of SE Asia. It is clean, green and very very wealthy city. I havent seen so many shopping malls in one day, maybe even in my life πŸ˜€ There is literally shopping centre at each metro station and there are many metro stations πŸ˜€ So afterall you feel like visiting very unique megalopolis without even realizing the world outside the city… Singapore lives its own life, except all imported food from Malaisia πŸ˜‰

Marina Bay

There are many places worthy to see in Singapore, and of course you cant do all in 3 days… The Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the bay are definitely number one attraction. You can enjoy beautiful gardens, spectacular super tree sculptures with audio visual show and great view over the city from Skydeck. By almost accident we also visited Orchad street, with the most biggest and fancy malls like ION or I actually forgot the name πŸ˜€ And finally botanical garden was very much charming place including little remnants of rain forest…

Super tree in the Gardens by the bay

The only thing why this city cannot ever succeed being the best on the world? The answer is simple… Weather πŸ™‚ Singapore has four seasons, and that’s hot, hotter, wet and wetter… Which one do you prefer? πŸ˜€ The humidity never goes under 85 % and all inside spaces are crazy air conditioned. So you are either boiling or freezing πŸ˜€

Marina Bay

Po vice jak trech mesicich jsme dorazili do jinyho sveta… Singapore je zcela odlisny od zbytku JV Asie. Je to ciste, zelene a straaasne bohate mesto. Na kazde metro stanici je obchodni centrum, a ze tu stanic metra neni malo πŸ˜€ Tolik obchodaku jsem za jeden den jeste nevidela, mozna ani za cely zivot πŸ˜€ Okolni svet pro Singapur ani neexistuje, Β vystaci si sam se sebou, az teda na vsechno dovezene jidlo z Malajsie πŸ˜‰

Night view from Skydeck

Singapore nabizi spoustu veci k videni, ale samozrejme vsechny za tri dny nejde stihnout. Kazdopadne Marina Bay Sands a Zahrady Gardens by the bay jsou atrakci cislo jedna. Nadherne zahrady, famozni super stromy s audio svetelnou show a vyhled ze Skydecku stoji rozhodne za to! Docela nahodou jsme take prosli Orchad ulici plnou nejvetsich nakupaku, vcetne ION a dalsich, co jsem zapomnela, jak se jmenuji… Hodne se nam libila botanicka zahrada, kde se nachazi i kousek puvodniho destneho pralesa…

Marina Bay

Proc Singapore nemuze byt nejlepsim mestem na svete? Odpoved je velmi jednoducha: klima. Singapore ma totiz ctyri rocni obdobi, a to horko, jeste vetsi horko, vlhko a vetsi vlhko. Vlhkost vzduchu je minimalne 85 % a vsechny vnitrni prostory jsou preklimatizovane. Takze se bud varite nebo mrznete πŸ™‚

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