Halong Bay

For our last days in Vietnam we have left the most touristic destination in the country, the Halong bay. Anyway, the way there was kind of tricky a hectic. After coming from Sa Pa,  we arrived at 4 am to Hanoi, and at 7 we were already on a bus to Halong. We wanted to come before 12 to catch the boat that day. But finding the right port was not easy though… As they relocated it 14 km further from the city a year ago, it is almost impossible to get there on your own. So after checking in our hotel, we were considering to buy the organised 4 hours trip, of course for much more…


Because to be in Halong bay without actually going to the bay would be quite funny 😉 So we made a tour, made some photos and that was it :-p The bay is probably one of its kind due to hundrets of rocks in the sea, but… UNESCO in this case probably has forgot to say, that disco lights in the caves and enormous development on the seacoast with disco lights as well would not be the way how such protection works…


So the trip on the boat was nice and views around this unique landscape excellent 🙂 The organisation of the trip sucked a lot (no surprise) so we lost one hour by waiting… At least after the argueing we got some compensation. So hopefully no more organised tours 😀


Tak na posledni dny ve Vietnamu jsme si nechali Halong zatoku, nejvice navstevovanejsi misto v zemi. Cesta sem byla pekne hekticka… Ze Sapy jsme prijeli do Hanoie ve 4 rano a v 7 uz jsme byli na ceste do Halongu. Chteli jsme dorazit pred 12, abychom stihli lod jeste ten den. Najit ale ten spravny pristav nebylo vubec jednoduche. Nakonec jsme zjistili, ze ho presunuli asi 14 km za mesto, takze se tam dostat sam skoro nejde… A tak po prichodu do hotelu jsme zvazovali nabizeny 4 hodinovy vylet, samozrejme za vice penez…


No prijet do Halong zatoky a nejet se podivat do ni by bylo asi celkem vtipne 🙂 A tak jsme jeli na organizovany vylet, nafotili nekolik fotek a to vse 😀 Halong zatoka je urcite jedinecna svehu druhy, ale… UNESCO zrejme zapomnelo zminit, ze disco osvetleni jeskyni a obrovske stavby na pobrezi s take disco osvetlenim do takove ochrany nepatri…

“Kissing rocks” or “fighting chicken”

Tak vylet na lodi byl fajn a podivana na skalnatou scenerii kolem vyborna 🙂 Nicmene organizace vyletu stala za h*vno (neprekvapive), jelikoz jsme ztratili hodinu jen cekanim na nic… Alespon jsme dostali malou kompenzaci (po vyhadani samozrejme). Snad nas ale uz zadne organizovane vylety necekaji 😀

5 thoughts

  1. No a disco osvětlení – to je děs, fakt nechápu že to UNESCU nevadí, když v Dráždanech vadil nový most přes řeku, který ale vůbec nijak nepůsobí rušivě. No jo, vždy je to asi o lidech

  2. Ten výraz Honzy před osvětlenim krápníkové jeskyně je opravdu trefný, kdyby nechali přírodní světlo, vypadalo by to mnohem líp, hold Vietnamci 🙂

  3. Presne, kdyby pouzivali stejny metr, tak Halong uz v UNESCO davno neni… Pobrezi je zbastleny, skaly jsou fakt pekny, ale co jde, tak stejne zpitvorej… Aspon je videt, ze UNESCO neni zaruka, aspon v Asii 😀

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