Good morning! We have to share Β story about bying fly tickets in Phuket … it is a funny story, but it was not at the beginng π
The “plan” was to move to Bangkok, as far Phuket is not that interesting and it was supposed to be rainy in coming few days. So we decided to use some cheap flight assured by local airplane company. We found cheapest one for 590 BHT from AirAsia, but buying that ticket was not so easy. Fisrt, we tried to buy it on internet but! The company requires ridiculous amount more for card payment procedure … so whaterer, we are still buying but what is the problem. Oh yes, our credit card is not activated for online payments π Nevermind, we found out that it is possible to buy ticket in 7/11 and procedure for that is only 50 BHT. Great, so lets go there. The good thing is that the shop 7/11 is almost at every corner, worse thing is that in each of them is stuff not able to speak english (or at least in Phuket). So after visiting third one, we were able to explain what we want to buy but the stuff told us, there are no available tickets for that day. But we had only then 30 minutes to get on the last bus to airport.
We ckecked the situation online and there were tickets but of course for 890 BHT. So we decided to deal with that on the airport and took the bus. At the airport, quite expecting of course, the prize was like doubled at the cash desk (1700 BHT). But we did want to pay that much just because of our stupidity π So after diffucult connecting to the internet we were searching the possibilities and only a few seconds before colapsing of our minds we found another company ThaiLion with similar prize (625 BHT) and no fees for payment processing. So we bought the ticket with our backup card (with the expire day at that day) and waited for our flight. As far we did not receive an email about passenger information, only the payment confirmation, we had to hope that we are also on that plane and the flight is not cancelled. So finally it was fun π
Now for our beloved ones, repetition in czech.
CESKY pro nase nejblizsi π
V Phuketu nas to moc nebavilo a i pocasi se melo dost zhorsit a prset, tak jsme se rozhodli premistit do Bangkoku. Nasli jsme levne letenky od AirAsia za 590 BHT (1BHT = 0,71 Kc), takze za mene nez 500 Kc,-. Tak ze je nejdrive koupime online, ale ouha, tato spolecnost si pripisuje cca 200 BHT za online procesing. No co se da delat, stejne je koupime. Jenze pri platbe se vyskytl problem a objednavka vyhodila chybu. Tak jsme zjistili, ze karta nema z aktivovane platby pres internet. Ale nasli jsme, ze v obchodech 7/11 (tak se fakt jmenuji, pro ty, co je neznaji, 7 – otevrene 7 dni v tydnu, 11 – do 11 vecer π tak tedy v 7/11 lze koupit take letenky a za poplatek pouze 50 BHT. Jenze asi po navsteve tretiho obchodu jsme zjistili, ze obsluha neumi anglicky ani snad hello a o teto moznosti snad nikdy neslyseli … Kdyz jsme se konecne dostali do obchodu, kde pochopili, co po nich chceme, tak nam oznamili, ze jsou letenky vyprodane na ten den. Po zkontrolovani webu jsme ale letenky nasli stale aktualni.
No zbyvalo asi 10 minut do odjezdu posledniho autobusu na letiste, tak jsem se rozhodli jet a vyresit situaci na letisti. Necekane na miste byla cena asi 1700 BHT, uplne tak blby taky nejsou. Tak jsme se hekticky pripojovali k letistni wifi, ze je radeji koupime online. U AirAsia cena ani online uz nebyla tak nizka jako predtim. Na posledni chvili jsme se podivali jeste na jineho dopravce ThaiLion a nasli letenky za 625 BHT, stale pod 500 Kc, a dokonce bez poplatku za transakci. Tak je tedy kupujem. Platba potvrzena (Honzik pouzil svoji starou kartu, ktera ovsem mela platnost do tohoto dne, kdy jsme kupovali letenky). Sice email o potvrzene platbe prisel, ale informace o cestujicich jiz ne. Tak jsme jen doufali, ze se do letadla dostanem a let snad nezrusi π “Thajsky lev” nas nezklamal π
Takze nakonec to byla celkem sranda π