If you want to have very intensive experience, definitely crossing border from Singapore to Malaysia would give you sth unforgettable 😀 It can be also very unique gift for your birthday, we just recommend to do it our way 😛 As Singapore seems to be very modern city, when you get to suburbs, it will show you different side. And when you get to border crossing, the fun just starts…
First, it is important to go on Friday (Saturday might work as well), as other days are not that crowdy 😀 Second after immigration office of Singapore you have to miss a chance to catch a bus and get to a noone land on bridge where you cant actually go back because it is one way or even forward because after the bridge the pedestrian path is just ended… Haha, more strong and exhausting moment you cannot have 😀
So after 2 km of crazy hot and wet walking you get to JB Central, crossing point to Malaysia. The Malaysians have to think very differently cause even we try to follow the signs we always end up at totally wrong place than we want to. So finding the right bus which take us from JB was not that easy as it might seem. Anyway, after several tries and asking few people we got to the right platform and catched the right bus 🙂 So go Malaysia 🙂
Jestli touzite po intenzivnim zazitku, tak rozhodne prechod hranice mezi Singapurem a Malajsii se muze stat nezapomenutelnym okamzikem… A pokud pujdete v nasich stopach, tak je to take unikatni darek k narozeninam 😀 Prestoze je Singapur velmi moderni mesto, jakmile dojedete na jeho okrajovou cast, ukaze vam jinou tvar, a jakmile se dostanete na hranice, tak zabava zacina…
Zaprve, musite vyrazit v patek odpoledne (sobota by take sla), kdy je nejvetsi spicka 😀 Za druhe, po pruchodu pres imigracni na Singapurskych hranicich musite uspesne minout autobus, co jede mezi hranicemi. Dostanete se tak do prostoru nikoho, kde uz nejde jit zpatky (je to jednosmerka) a ani moc dopredu, jelikoz cesta pro pesi proste konci na konci mostu… Haha, vic vycerpavajici a silnejsi zazitek by se clovek nahledal 😀
Takze asi po 2 km chuze v horku a vlhku se dostanete na imigracni na Malajskou hranici. Malajci evidentne musi premyslet uplne jinak, jelikoz prestoze se snazite sledovat napisy a znacky, vzdycky dojdete nekam uplne jinam, nez jste chteli. Takze po nekolika pokusech najit cestu jsme nasli spravny autobus, co nas odvezl na autobusak, a my mohli pokracovat po ceste v Malajsii… Tak jedem!