We have tried hitchhiking and why not to start with that in Laos, Β country where people are not used to it at all π So at the beginning we did not know what to expect and first 15 minutes were mysterious. But we got a ride. And what a ride! Bunch of Thai guys stopped and took us with them. They were heading also to Vang Vieng to some music festival – we found out later that coming to this place during such event must have consequences… As far they had completely full car, we sat at the opened back like two sardines π
The ride was cold, Β it was little bit raining on us (yes, first raining day in SE Asia), but it will be unbealivable journey forever. Who has experience with road quality in Laos would understand. Just imagine a ride on roller coster, broken one and riding 4 hours π
Tak jsme poprve zkusili jet stopem a proc nezacit treba v Laosu, kde jsou na to nejmene zvykli π Vubec jsme netusili, co od toho ocekavat a prvnich 15 minut byla velka neznama… Pak ale zastavilo auto se ctyrmi Thajci a jizda mohla zacit. Jeli take do Vang Vieng na nejaky hudebni festival – coz jsme zjistili pozdeji, jake to muze mit nasledky prijet sem behem takove akce… Jelikoz meli auto uplne plne, vmestnali jsme se dozadu na korbu jako dve sardinky π Byla pekne kosa a taky na nas trochu prselo (ano, prvni dest v JV Asii), ale cesta je to nezapomenutelna. Kdo kdy jel po Laoskych cestach urcite chape. Staci si predstavit jizdu po horske draze, rozbite a trvajici 4 hodiny π