By the sea

So after a month of travelling we arrived to Sihanoukville to spend some time by the sea again. By hitchhiking, of course 😉 Sihanoukville is the biggest city in southern Cambodian coastline and anyone who visited this place 5 years ago would be now very much surprised by the city growth… I guess not really positively. The city is sooo touristic now so you are stuck between being shocked and sad. It is hard to say how this construction madness will end up. There are few spots we enjoyed, locall market and Otres beach with the best coconuts 🙂

For the New Year´s Eve party we have decided to leave crazy and overcrowded Sihanoukville and instead of it to spend the day at Monkey Maya beach, 30 km south from the city, one of the last unspoiled places in southern coast of Cambodia. The way was quite tricky on motorbike, especially at the dirt road, but absolutely worthy. Although the place was fully booked we could stay there and enjoy the night in hamocks 🙂 But thanks to people who did not arrive we could sleep in a lovely bungalow. Many thanks to Mel and Sandro. It was a great party with fantastic people 🙂

By beginning of  Y2017 we moved to Koh Rong island. Koh Touch village was as expected very messy and accomodation rather poor but not cheap at all… On the other hand the white sand beaches there are spectacular, with blue emerald water. Nice! I just hate sand flies, such little bastards!!! After few days we moved to the other island Koh Rong Samloem, from which we had the ferry back to Sihanoukville the same day. Funny think was that the ferry between the islands took us to totally different beach, around 5 km from main beach, where we had to be for the ferry back to land. So to get there involved few kilometres walking and two rides by boat. The main beach Saracen brings you then to another world, lets move from Cambodia to China. Chinese everywhere!

Tak po mesici jsme dorazili zase k mori. Stopem, samozrejme 🙂 Sihanoukville je nejvetsi mesto na pobrezi Kambodzi a kdo tu byl pred 5 lety, by byl dnes velmi prekvapeny, jak mesto vyrostlo. Urcite ne ale moc pozitivne. Mesto je ted zcela zamerene na turisty, takze nezbyva nez se potacet nekde mezi sokem a smutkem… Tezko rict, jak tohle stavebni silenstvi skonci… Libila se nam ale dve mista, a to mistni market (samozrejme :-)) a Otres plaz s nejlepsimi kokosy ve meste 🙂


Silvestra jsme se rozhodli stravit mimo davove silenstvi mesta a odjeli na 30 km vzdalenou Monkey Maya plaz. Cesta byla na skutru trochu veselejsi, hlavne diky prasne ceste na konci, ale stalo to za to. Prestoze bylo ubytovani na miste vyprodane, mohli jsme zustat a prespat v houpacich sitich. Nakonec ale diky lidem, co neprijeli, jsme spali v krasnem drevenem bungalovu s vyhledem na more. Silvestr byl proste paradni 🙂


Prvni den roku 2017 jsme se presunuli na ostrov Koh Rong. Mistni vesnice Koh Touch byla dle ocekavani dost spinava a hekticka a ubytovani dosti mizerne, ale samozrejme taky drazsi :-p Co ale stoji za to jsou mistni plaze s krasnym bilym piskem a smaragdove modrou vodou. Parada! Jenom nesnasim pisecne musky, ku*vy mrnavy! Po par dnech jsme prejeli na druhy ostrov Koh Rong Samloem, z ktereho jsme ten samy den odjizdeli zpet na pevninu. Vtipne ale bylo, ze jsme dojeli na jinou plaz, nez z ktere jsme pak meli odjet. Ta byla pres 5 km daleko. Tak po nekolika km chuze a dvou lodich jsme se dostali na hlavni plaz Saracen. Tady mate pocit, ze nejste v Kambodze, ale nekde v Cine. Vsude Cinani!

3 thoughts

  1. Dobry wieczór, Manu jest u nas i oglądamy Wasze zdjęcia, super!!! Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!!!

  2. jéééé, vy se máte!!! tak všechno nej do nového roku!!! a hlavně se nám někdy vraťte, i když já být váma, tak to nedělám 🙂 tak hodně štěstí při dalším cestování 😉

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