From Cambodia to Vietnam

After experience with crossing Lao-Khmer border we were little bit worried how it would go between Cambodia and Vietnam. However, the situation seemed much more optimistic… The border is “just” 50 km from Kampot and first Vietnamesse city Hà Tiên is 5 km from the border, so in worse case walkable distance 😉

So we prepared the sign,  put sun cream and slowly moved to the road… Many motorbikes coming and one car… How big coincidence is it that first car takes you where you need? This Swiss guy was great and he was going to pick his wife up at the border (on just this Thursday…) Sometimes things just work for you 🙂


Crossing was pretty easy, without any bribes for stamps or other nonsense 🙂 But still 5 km to Hà Tiên and 90 km to Rach Gia where we wanted to get. In few minutes a guy with NO english is taking us. We only understood Rach Gia, so here we go. So we made in less then 2 hours! Very good rides today!


Rach Gia is a city of motorbikes!

Po zkusenosti s prejezdem z Laosu do Kambodzi jsme se trochu obavali dalsiho prekroceni hranic stopem. Tentokrat je ale situace optimistictejsi 🙂 Kampot je “jen” 50 km od hranic a prvni mesto ve Vietnamu Hà Tiên asi 5 km, tudiz dochazkova vzdalenost v nejhorsim 😉 Tak piseme ceduli s nazvy, Honzik si patla krem na oblicej a pomalu se stavime na silnici. Spousta motorek a jedno auto. Jak je velka nahoda, ze vam zastavi prvni auto a jede,  kam vy potrebujete? 🙂 Tenhle svycarsky chlapik byl super a jel vyzvednout svoji zenu na hranice (a ze zrovna ve ctvrtek…). Nekdy proste veci vychazi,  jak potrebujete…

Prekroceni hranic bylo jednoduche, a i bez uplatku za razitka či podobny kraviny 🙂 Stale ale mame pred sebou 5 km do Hà Tiên a 90 km do Rach Gia,  kam bychom chteli dojet. Po par minutach nam zastavi chlapik, co neumi sice ani slovo anglicky, ale rozumime, ze jede do Rach Gia. A tak jedeme a za mene 2 hodky tu jsme 🙂 Tak dnes super jizda!

Market in Rach Gia

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